Thirty five years ago I packed up my room after college graduation. The above picture was with me. The message remains...certainly at Grandma's Cottage!
You'll understand today I was
very happy to discover a fresh patch of arbutus near the lake!
Someone else delighted in wildflowers, mushrooms & all-round sense of wonder. Let me tell you a story.
Picture it: Still a newlywed, Al's living 4 hrs away at summer school. With our toddlers playing on the beach, a strange car one day pulls into the yard. Out walks a big Bohemian with bushy dark eyebrows & booming voice announcing he'd "been waiting to meet me." I was not able to run we talked. I learned he was Al's 8th grade athletic director (newly ordained) and a family friend from Chicago. Somewhere in the visit he said his first canoe ride on our lake quickly ended in capsize. Al's mom line-dried his wallet and contents.
His name was Fr Joe.
The encounter (for me) was pivotal. My orientation to people and life could have been very different. Without his advice and support I might
never have enjoyed working in a church for many years!
Fr Joe simply made time for us. With great capacity to enjoy...appreciating woods and water, nature and family, Fr Joe helped keep our family balanced during growing up years. Sharing Bohemian skills, we enjoyed his annual visits...especially treks to northern Michigan for fall color.
In truth Fr Joe liked to make friends wherever he went. Sometimes we couldn't drag him out of a public place because...well...conversation was his gift.
Morning mass before breakfast in our dining room was tradition. Special masses in the living room coincided with family first communions.
Visitors may wonder who's in the framed picture on the mantle at Grandma's Cottage. That's Fr Joe and our extended family after a drive to Porcupine Mountains. I also keep a book at Grandma's Cottage to honor Fr Joe.
Fr Joe died in 2005, now buried next to his parents in Chicago. We were blessed to have loved and learned with him. God bless you Fr Joe!