Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Forrest Gump Suite

Tonight there's a re-run of Forrest Gump.  The theme song has special meaning for Grandma's Cottage!

I was introduced to Judy by default.  Married to Al's-brother's-best-friend, Jim,  Judy laughed easily and often.  With rustic elegance she taught that camping & fun really could be possible at the same time!  Judy knew how to wash clothes when tent camping...at heart she was minimalist when it came to "stuff."   

Often on return trips to Indiana  (later Missouri) from camping in Canada, Jim and Judy called us from the Minnesota border. Homeward bound, they asked permission to refresh at Grandma's Cottage.  We never knew when they might show up...or who they'd have with them!  Those brief phone calls would always end with "Sure!  We'll leave the light on for you."

Judy was an early coach for business at Grandma's Cottage!  Jim was an Episcopal priest.  Judy was an exceptional mother and minister's wife.  Actually she was a whole lot more and as my role-model of highest caliber, we shared long talks on the beach.  Judy loved kids and animals:  two of her dogs were named Jocko & Peony.   

Before our son was to move to St John's University as a freshman (1996), Judy called to see if her family could use Grandma's Cottage on their way home from Canada.  I'd already been invited to stay home when Hugh was to move, so I said "Sure. We'll leave the light on for you."

And on the morning Hugh moved to St John's, Jim and Judy also left to drive back to Missouri. 
I processed with a walk and the sound track from Forrest Gump.  The music fit emotions & the day.

That was the last time I saw Judy.  In 1999 a fast-moving cancer ripped through her body. 

Tonight Al's in Canada with some deacons who can still manage modified camping.  It's a thought-filled night.      
I miss my friend Judy.  Journey and I will take a long walk tomorrow.

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