Friday, April 8, 2011

And a Bit of History

Grandma's Cottage was originally built for Al's grandmother Sarah in the 1950s.  She was feisty, liked things small...and really did change the sheets on those top bunks in later years.   Al's dad and sister later cared for the cottage after her death. Pictured above is Al's dad as a little boy with Sarah (the original Grandma of Grandma's Cottage), dad Albert and sister Margaret.  Do you see  a strong resemblance between Al and his Grandfather?  I've included a picture of Al's dad in his prime ... quite dashing!
As years unfolded Aunt Margaret became a nurse in charge of the surgical floor in a Chicago hospital.  Grandpa Goodrich was a Chicago principal and his wife Adrienne was what we would now call a school guidance counselor. We honor these people.  As your host I quietly bring my values / history to Grandma's Cottage. For all you people who visit and like to fish I want you to know I'm cheering you on.  One of my grandfathers was a fishing guide. My maternal great-grandparents (pictured on their wedding day) were a camp cook and stone mason in Three Lakes.  If you notice grottos and stonework near Grandma's Cottage  I'm just honoring a wonderful great grandfather I didn't know except through stories. 
As for my great grandmother: she loved cooking, music, knitting.  She imparted faith.  I try to make her proud.

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